
An initiative designed to teach and preach a gospel of peace for the sake of the city and the most vulnerable from your own tradition, informed by a liberating hermeneutic “from below.”

We offer the format of a “Table” (or gathering) around the weekly Gospel Lectionary text as the basis for this initiative. We first piloted this initiative in 2012 in Tacoma, WA. With the help of the Lilly Endowment, we have launched 17 tables in cities and congregations around the world, representing more than 170 teachers and preachers of the Gospel.

In addition to the invitation to gather around the table and the Gospel lectionary text, we also are committed to curating a set of resources from a global network of practitioners and theologians to help foster conversation. You can explore this expanding collection of resources here.

We currently have two models of Preaching Peace Tables that are open source and available to anyone who wants to develop their own expression:

CityWide Table

A group of faith leaders from a specific geography (neighborhood or city) that represent a diverse background of traditions who agree to gather weekly around the Gospel lectionary text with a meal (for example, a sack lunch) and ask the following question: How would we preach and teach this text for peace on behalf of the city and our most vulnerable members from within our own tradition?

An example from the community: Each week, CTM Kenya hosts a table for pastors who serve in informal settlements in the city. This gathering has led to an interfaith table with Muslim clerics who meet monthly with Christian pastors to compare notes on how each is learning to preach peace from their respective texts.

Church/Ministry Table

A group of leaders from a particular church/ministry responsible for teaching and preaching in their context. Just like the Citywide team, this “preaching team” agrees to gather regularly (weekly/monthly) around the gospel lectionary text informed by a liberating hermeneutic “from below.”

An example from the community: Each week, the Street Psalms Senior Management Team reflects together on the Gospel lectionary text informed by a hermeneutic “from below.”

Grant opportunity: facilitators of new or existing preaching peace tables

Applications closed on September 15, 2024.

With support from the Lilly Endowment, Street Psalms is offering grants to facilitators of Preaching Peace Tables (both for new or existing tables). This opportunity is available to those who are interested in being part of a Facilitators Preaching Peace Table and also hosting their own Preaching Peace Table from a particular hermeneutic (Street Psalms’ hermeneutic is based on a God in whom there is no violence).

Note: The Preaching Peace Table models are open and available to all; you can launch your own expression of a Table with whatever your particular city or organization hermeneutic is. To be eligible for funding, you will have to undergo Street Psalms’ particular hermeneutic and commit to the program outlined below.

You are invited to apply for a three (3)-year facilitator grant to participate in a facilitators cohort to practice together, with peers, what it means to preach and teach a gospel of peace for the sake of your context and the most vulnerable. The commitment includes participating in a weekly Facilitators Table and launching your own Preaching Peace Table in Year Two of the grant.

Who can apply: This grant is open to any current or potential Preaching Peace Table Facilitator (of Citywide or Church/Ministry Tables).

Questions? Email our team: