Making Peace with God

A fellows program designed for leaders who are exploring ordination with the Street Psalms community. It’s also for leaders who want to undergo the possibility of God in whom there is no violence. In either case leaders are part of a global conversation. They discover for themselves a way of seeing, doing and being that frees them to do things they never thought possible. Practical. Real. Challenging. Liberating. Formational.

Application Information

Applications are currently closed for the 2023-24 Fellowship. We'll be announcing details for future cohorts as they become available. In the meantime, you can learn more below.



Key Details:

  • One Year Fellowship (Sept-June)
  • Cost: $1200 (scholarships available)
  • A Global Network of Conversation Partners 
  • Weekly Dialogues 
  • Final Project: A Rule of Life that Integrates Your Faith Tradition
  • Pathway to Ordination with Street Psalms Community 
  • Facilitators: Joel Aguilar and Kris Rocke


Cohort members gather weekly for 90 minutes to make peace with God. Together, we walk with Jesus, disguised as the stranger, who inducts us into our own humanity and reveals to us a God in whom there is no violence. Our hearts burn and our eyes open.  

If you are looking for a program that reflects back to you what you already know with dogmatic certainty you should look elsewhere. However, if you are ready to engage the risky incarnational journey that shatters our expectations of God and ourselves, then this is tailor-made for you. 

We will engage each other in a blend of theological reflection (head), spiritual formation (heart) and social action (hands). Throughout the fellowship, participants will discern the particular shape of their own vocation and call while developing their own Rule of Life to help guide them. 

The Rule of Life is based on a set of questions core to the life of Christ. Participants are asked to reflect on these questions for themselves, from within their own tradition, and in ways that are faithful to their own context. Go here to see the Incarnational Framework that gives shape to these questions.

See what PREVIOUS FELLOWS have to say about Making Peace with God:

“The process felt like pilgrimage. It was truly a journey of a human, as a leader, and as a person that is living out faith each day. Taking this journey with new friends has become one of the highlights of my week.” - Dwayne Hilty, Churches as Neighborhood Center Director

“It expanded my view of God. It grounded me in mercy. And equipped me into a Kingdom life.” - Joel Ryman, Director of Development, Gates of Hope

“I’ve become more at home in my faith…it has been a balm to meet other Jesus followers of the same heart.” - Liesl Stewart, Contract Writer and Entrepreneur

Who has completed this fellowship?

Our fellows have come from all over the world, and represent a variety of backgrounds and fields including Executive Directors, Theologians, Entrepreneurs, Community Developers, Psychologists, and others. Click here for a full list.

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Fellowship Overview

The fellows program is a facilitated conversation with diverse leaders from around the world. It is made up of seven dialogues that ask questions that are core to our faith journey and the story that shapes our lives. In the end, Fellows are invited to engage these questions and each other from their own faith tradition, creating their own customized Rule of Life.

Throughout the program participants are invited to hold the Word in one hand and the World in the other in loving dialogue. We examine two fundamental questions asked by St. Francis in his famous all night prayer. ” God, who are you? God, who am I?” We ask these questions in the context of vulnerable urban communities. Along the way, participants will be exposed to a wide range of theological perspectives including an image of God in whom there is no violence and be introduced to a way of reading scripture non-violently.

This program is designed to help participants mine their own tradition for its most sustainable gifts, whether Protestant or Catholic, liberal or conservative. We think this is best done in the context of theological and spiritual diversity that honors the best, deepest and richest traditions of our faith. In the end, participants are expected to take ownership of their own journey and conclusions. All facilitation is based on a deep, rich and generous orthodoxy that invites participants to examine their own tradition in its most favorable and generous light, mining its most sustainable gifts. Central to the program is a high view of Scripture, Church, Tradition and Personal Experience. We also celebrate the gifts of modern science and revelations about what it means to be human and care for creation.

While most enroll in this program to sort out their own journey and build their capacity to accompany others, this program also doubles as novitiate formation for those pursuing ordination within the Street Psalms Community.

Program Rhythm
Program Outcomes
Learning Model
Admissions Criteria