Welcome to Street Psalms. We are glad you are here. Take a breath, settle in, and take your seat at an ever-expanding table. This is a space where we train the head, heart and hands of urban leaders to love their city and seek its peace. If you want to learn more, take a look around the website, or check out some other options below.

Our You Version Plans are based on our weekly lectionary reflections called Word from Below.

Curious about what our Word from Below reflections looks like? Here are some recent examples:

Transforming the Crowd

By Fred Laceda | July 26, 2024

How are you?

Good. Busy. How about you?

Oh, you know, busy, busy! But good!

This may be the most frequent exchange I hear before and after worship each week. We know we’re too busy to breathe. We know this way of life is killing us and the earth. But we don’t know how to stop.

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Shepherding Compassion

By Joel Aguilar | July 19, 2024

How are you?

Good. Busy. How about you?

Oh, you know, busy, busy! But good!

This may be the most frequent exchange I hear before and after worship each week. We know we’re too busy to breathe. We know this way of life is killing us and the earth. But we don’t know how to stop.

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Liberating Rest

By Rev. Sarah Wiles | May 31, 2024

How are you?

Good. Busy. How about you?

Oh, you know, busy, busy! But good!

This may be the most frequent exchange I hear before and after worship each week. We know we’re too busy to breathe. We know this way of life is killing us and the earth. But we don’t know how to stop.

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By Kris Rocke | December 25, 2023

Perhaps you came across a recent article titled “Jesus in the Rubble.” It features the picture above, illustrating Christmas in Bethlehem. Rev. Munther Isaac, pastor of a Lutheran church in Bethlehem, placed Jesus in the rubble in recognition of the war in Gaza, just sixty miles away.

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Holy Bewilderment

By Scott Dewey | December 22, 2023

“I was trying to absorb what the oncologist was telling me. Yesterday’s tests clearly show, he said, that I have a very rare condition. Turns out—this is the unbelievable part—it only mimics aggressive cancer.”
“I’m simply overwhelmed with this news.”

Gary* and I share a very long silence. Finally he says, “I… I don’t know, honestly, all what it means.

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