UPF Resource Page

Resources for the

Urban Peacemaker Fellowship

Current Projects

Guatemala City

Missional Question:
¿Cómo podemos desarrollar nuevas narrativas para la construcción de paz que sanen la herida colectiva de la Ciudad de Guatemala?

How can we work together to develop new narratives for peacebuilding that heal the collective woundedness of Guatemala City?

Grand Rapids

Missional Question:
How does an informal, diverse group of community leaders become a sustainable organizational framework in the midst of a racially divisive city?


Missional Question:
¿Cómo nos equipamos mejor y respondemos más efectivamente ante la creciente desintegración familiar en nuestras comunidades?

How can we (as faith leaders in Managua) be better equipped and respond more effectively to the epidemic of family disintegration in our city?


Missional Question:
How can/should the people of faith in Anchorage respond to the violence in our city?

Santo Domingo

Missional Question:
¿Como desarrollamos educadores y líderes, los cuales han sido equipados para trabajar en la transformación social y espiritual de aquellos a quienes sirven y proveen mentoría?
How do we develop school teachers and leaders who are equipped to work for both the social and spiritual renewal of the those they serve and mentor?


Missional Question:
How do we develop leaders in vulnerable communities, who are recipients of services provided by our outreach, in a way that is mutually transformational?


Missional Question:
How can we equip grassroots leaders who serve the informal settlements of Nairobi with an incarnational theology of peace?


Missional Question:
How can a group of pastors collaborate to help each other and their congregations practice peace?

Street Psalms

Missional Question:
How does Street Psalms (board, staff, senior fellows) reflect the gifts and diversity of the cities we are called to serve, with specific focus on gender equity throughout the network?