
Men working with crane Guatemala

This document is part of a suite of resources that helps cultivate Communities in Mission (CiM). When modeled after the life of Jesus, a CiM exists, not for itself, but for the sake of the commons. CiMs are animated by the spiritual technology of the Incarnation, mystery of Word made flesh. In this resource we apply that technology to the creative process we call Incarnational Design.

Incarnational Design describes the creative partnership between God and a CiM. This partnership, along with the process and principles outlined in this document, engages in the ongoing act of creation by developing models of social innovation that lead to human flourishing. The term itself supplies the creative tension necessary for this task. We understand the Incarnation as God’s creative action. We understand Design as humanity’s response. The co-creative partnership calls
forth creation when God’s desire meets humanity’s desire with a holy kiss.