Senior Fellow

Abhishek Gier
Abhishek lives in New Delhi, the capital city of India, with his wife Angelika and their daughter Aastha where he and Angelika founded Catalyst Leadership Foundation and now serves as executive director.
The city of Delhi is home to more than 25 million people and is a hub of political and economical power. It is also a city of extreme contrasts between the rich and poor. Serving abused and trafficked girls in vulnerable communities has led Abhishek to realise the importance of inclusivity of all, especially the most vulnerable, in the work of city transformation.
Abhishek’s primary focus as a Street Psalms Senior Fellow is how to create platforms for leadership development at the intersection of social enterprise and social service, with a specific focus on abused and trafficked girls.
Abhishek is a culinary adventurist. He loves cooking, eating and traveling the off beaten path for an interesting meal.